Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Recovery Solutions at Ohio Psychiatric Services and TMS Center is a fully-fledged medical marijuana practice that now offers patients the ability to be evaluated for medical marijuana treatment. Evaluations can be done via telehealth from the comfort of your own home.


Dr. Fatehchand who is a board-certified physician in Internal medicine is certified to recommend Medical Marijuana to patients with qualifying medical conditions. Dr. Fatehchand and his experienced and knowledgeable staff work in collaboration with Ohio Psychiatric Services and TMS Center to help provide relief for both physical and mental health conditions (Please see full list of qualifying conditions below) that have proven to have effective responses to treatment with medical marijuana. Dr. Fatehchand  uses a compassionate approach to evaluate patients based on their underlying diagnosis who, if approved, will be referred for medical marijuana card.


Those suffering from chronic ailments that have not responded well to traditional treatments may find that alternative treatment, such as medical cannabis, helps to provide them with relief. If determined that the patient may receive therapeutic benefits from this form of treatment, Dr Fatehchand will refer for a Medical Marijuana card that qualifies you for treatment with medical marijuana that is recognized by the Ohio Medical Marijuana Program.

Forms of Medical Marijuana: The following forms of medical marijuana are authorized: oils, tinctures, plant material, edibles, lotions, creams, and patches. The law prohibits the use of medical marijuana by smoking or combustion but does allow for vaporization (vaping). The law prohibits any form that is attractive to children. Forms of medical marijuana are authorized in rule 3796:8-2-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code.

Medical Marijuana

Qualifying Conditions:

Other Conditions Considered (With chronic or intractable pain)

Medical Marijuana

Our Team

To learn more about Medical Marijuana or to schedule an evaluation, call the office today at 740 201 6021 Ext 108 or call directly, 24/7 and speak with our dedicated medical marijuana team member at 937 243 0121. You may also request an appointment online.